Remy Sosa
“El Expresionismo Abstracto Hace Del Lenguage Un Grito -O Un Silencio.”
“Gritos en Carbon y Tinta”
Remy Sosa
I learned how to draw from my mother who was an architect, but really, I got into art after learning I could draw with an eraser.
I was raised in a male-dominant environment where I couldn't speak unless spoken to and could never raise my voice, so art became my favorite way to scream. It's my language. I wanted to be an artist because art became my way to find myself. I use mixed media to explore interiority and emotional intelligence. My style of deconstruction and layering of elements combines painting and a variety of materials - acrylic, oil, charcoal as well as everyday household items- leading to a creative reinterpretation of portraiture that reflects the malleability and fragility of humans.
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CAMP Gallery